Can you have it ALL?


Can you truly “have it all?”

We live in this era where people are constantly talking about, can we have it all – and I think as busy working moms, it really hits home. We have kids and school activities and parent networks and clubs and sports.. We’re expected to have a successful career and God forbid we have to miss a day or two because our kid is sick, then we feel so guilty, thinking that it somehow makes us a lesser employee. Oh, and let’s have a nice house and look halfway presentable in public and also make time to see our other busy mom friends because “we need to take time for ourselves too”…..

It’s exhausting, right? How do you “have it ALL”?

I was listening to this podcast the other day and the guest on it is a successful mom entrepreneur and she said it best, what is ALL? When we think about what ALL means, what does that look like? And is it the same for everyone?



Does ALL mean you have to be successful and have a nice house and beautiful family and the perfect body and amazing friends who’ve all known each other and stayed in touch since middle school? Or does ALL mean that you get to travel and go skydiving and do things that make your blood race? Does ALL mean you get to compete in the Olympics someday?


What I’m saying is that your ALL doesn’t look like my ALL. The white picket fence notion of the perfect life doesn’t look like that anymore. Honestly, I don’t know what most people would do if they actually had it ALL. I think they’d be really freaking overwhelmed, and then probably get bored really fast. Like, okay here I am with my mountaintop experience of life, now what….? And they’d always be looking for more ALL.

My ALL is actually a lot simpler than most people might think. My ALL is flexibility, getting in a bomb workout, making memories with my family and drinking wine and talking for hours with good friends. My ALL does involve a nice house (eventually) and a career I feel both proud of and passionate for. And my ALL will probably change too…I think that’s normal. When I was in high school, my ALL looked far different than it does now, and I know in 10 years it will look even more different. Why? Because your life changes, and what’s important to you changes along with it. And that is totally normal! So we can’t sit here thinking we don’t have it ALL when ALL is so subjective. Don’t let someone else’s ALL make your ALL any less important to you. Each person has a different life and different motivation for what makes them happy. So make your ALL about that. Not what someone else, or what society or social media tells you it should be. Because once you realize what your ALL is, it actually becomes so much more.